viernes, 11 de febrero de 2011


The History of Nursing

     The History of nursing is a long and interesting one. Nursing has been an important part of every culture, although it may have been called something different. The word "nurse" has been around in the English language since the 14th century, although the meaning and practice have changed.
     Before modern nursing came about, medical help has often provided by religious institutions or the military. This remains a part of nursing in some countries where some nurses may be referred to as "sisters." Nuns and others would care for the sick during epidemics and during times of war. The term nurse was used for women who cared for children, although it gradually came to have a broader meaning.
     Modern nursing really developed during the Crimean War. Florence Nightingale worked to improve the conditions of injured and ill soldiers. She wrote a book about how to improve conditions and treat the soldiers for various injuries and sicknesses. Other nurses also played a role in advancing nursing technologies during this time period as well.
     Nightingale would later start a training school for nurses in England. She also wrote the Nightingale Pledge for nurses to take about the care they would provide sick and wounded patients. The Nightingale Lamp, which is often used in ceremonies, came from the lamp that Nightingale would carry at night in the hospital during the Crimean War.
     In the United States, Clara Barton was an important figure during the American Civil War, organizing nursing services for injured soldiers. She also created the Red Cross organization which helps people during both war and peace. The organization would later help provide nurses for military hospitals during World War I.
     The modernization of nursing was also tied to the rise of the women's movement during the nineteenth century and early twentieth century. Many of the movement leaders were nurses or had strong concerns for improving the health and wellbeing of women and children.
     New Zealand became the first country to regulate nurses in 1901. North Carolina passed a nursing regulation law to become the first state in the United States with regulations. Since then, other countries have passed regulations on nursing and the industry has exploded.
     Today, nurses are a staple in hospitals, health care centers, and in doctors' offices. Nurses have played a vital role in advancing medical technologies and patient care. The history of nursing has gone from military endeavors to state of the art facilities today.

     Este artículo hace un recuento histórico de la enfermería en el mundo moderno. Señala que la figura de la enfermera existe en todas las culturas aunque su nombre varíe de una a otra. 
     Inicialmente, los servicios de enfermería eran ofrecidos por instituciones religiosas o militares. Ésta tuvo gran auge durante la Guerra de Crimea, escenario en el cual Florence Nightingale trabajó arduamente para mejorar las condiciones de los soldados heridos. Tiempo después, Nightingale inició una escuela de entrenamiento para enfermeras en Inglaterra.
      Por otra parte, Clara Barton también jugó un papel importante como enfermera durante la Guerra Civil en lo Estados Unidos de América.También creó la organización de la Cruz Roja, quien se encarga de ayudar a la gente durante la guerra y también durante la paz. Esta organización envió enfermera a los hospitales militares durante la Primera Guerra Mundial.
     En 1901, Nueva Zelanda se convirtió en el primer país en regular las enfermeras. Luego, North Carolina estableció un ley con regulaciones para las enfermeras; fue el primer estados en los Estados Unidos.
     Hoy las enfermeras son básicas en los hospitales, centros de cuidado de la salud e inclusive en los consultorios médicos y han tenido un rol vital en el avance de tecnologías médicas y cuidados al paciente.


1. The History of nursing                is  a long and interesting one
       [núcleo]       [post modificador]                   [núcleo]
                  frase nominal                                                     frase verbal
     tiempo verbal de la oración: presente simple

2. Modern nursing               really developed during the Crimean War
  [pre modificador] [núcleo]                                  [núcleo]
          frase nominal                                                 frase verbal 

      tiempo verbal de la oración: pasado simple

3. Nightingale               would later start a training school for nurses in England 
      [núcleo]                                     [núcleo]
     frase nominal                                                              frase verbal

     tiempo verbal de la oración: condicional

  • Pronombres demostrativos
         " This remains a part of nursing..."
  • Conectores
         "Nuns and others would care for the sick during epidemics and during times of war"
         "The word "nurse" has been around in the English language since the 14th century,  although the meaning and practice have changed."

  • who, what, when, where
          "The term nurse was used for women who cared for children..."
          "This remains a part of nursing in some countries where some nurses may be referred to as "sisters" "

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